Viskase® has contracted with American Check Management (ACM) to enable acceptance of electronic checks for remittance on customer invoices. As a Viskase® customer, you can remit an electronic check with on-line bill pay presentment via

With Online Bill Pay Presentment, the process eliminates manually writing checks, mailing checks and waiting for checks to clear. As a customer, you take control of your payment.

If you are using a US-based bank account, make sure that you have your bank’s ABA Routing Number and the bank account number from which you want to pay.

Please Note:

  • While not necessary to complete payment, the optional information will help assure that your payment is correctly applied and provide a point of contact in the event that we have questions about your payment.
  • You will need the Viskase® invoice numbers and amounts to complete the payment entry process.
  • You may pay one invoice or multiple invoices, the system will automatically calculate the total paid on multiple invoice entries.
  • If you are paying an amount that is different than the invoice amount, please reference the specific invoice number, the payment difference and the reason why you are paying a different amount in the “memo” section.

We trust that you will find find this service convenient and easy to use. However, if you have any questions or experience difficulties in using the service, please contact our Credit Department at 800.847.5273 or at

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