
Viskase’s Food Labs around the world are dedicated to casing applications training for distributors and customers. The main objectives of the Viskase Food Labs are to support quality assurance and corporate research and development projects.

Viskase’s Food Labs offer technical training related to casing applications and meat processing. We combine theoretical knowledge and practical application in our sessions. Our fully-equipped laboratory has state-of-the-art machines, where participants engage in hands-on training. Sessions are conducted in a small group setting so that each participant will experience one-on-one instruction.

Viskase Food Labs are fully-equipped mini meat processing plants capable of producing small and large caliber sausages. We have machines for raw material preparation, manual and automatic stuffing, linking and clipping. Our smokehouse is capable of using either traditional wood chips and liquid smoke depending on the customer’s requirements. We also have two high-speed automatic linkers which are common for brands worldwide.

Training focuses on introducing different product types, explaining how casing is used, and discussing regional differences in how countries use our casing to make their final product. The more we know about how casings are being used globally, the better we can innovate and design to meet customer needs. Interacting with our customers and learning from their experiences is the best way for us to continue our efforts in innovation.


We ensure that our Food Labs follow good manufacturing and sanitation practices. We have equipment that prepares both whole-muscle hams and restructured processed meats.

The Viskase Food Labs have a fully equipped kitchen where the customer can prepare a finished product. We also have our own trained Sensory Evaluation panelists who may perform organoleptic evaluation.

Seminars & Training

Viskase Food Labs support our customers’ continued professional development by offering seminars that would help address their industry-specific concerns. With almost a century of experience, we can improve our customers’ current processes, offer practical application know how or discuss food science technologies.

Training topics are linked to practical applications in the workplace so the learning will be easily relatable.


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