Fibrous with Barrier

Fibrous Casings

FIBROUS casings with a barrier are designed to protect against oxygen and moisture for specialty scalded and cooked sausages. With an inner or outer barrier layer, these casings preserve freshness and produce a high quality appearance. Fibrous casings with a barrier are easy to use and ideal for clean slicing applications.

Features & Benefits

  • Barrier protects against moisture loss, as well as oxygen and aroma transmission to extend shelf life and prevent weight loss
  • High mechanical strength for uniform sizing and optimized shrink properties to maintain a wrinkle-free shape
  • High quality process printing up to 6 colors, providing enhanced visual appeal to both product and brand
  • Available treatments include Color Master™ and Smoke Master®
  • Temperature-resistant up to 105° C (221° F)
  • Offered in natural matte surface (F plus) or a high glossy appearance (FVP)


Size Range
  • F plus from 40 to 120 mm
  • FVP from 40 to 170 mm
Color Range
  • Available in a wide variety of colors (from clear, white, brown to black)
Finishing Formats
  • Reels, bundles, cut pieces, and shirred sticks (20M to 70M per shirred stick)
  • Non-moisturized
  • Pre-moisturized (no soaking needed)
  • From 1 to 6 colors, front and back side
  • Customized prints and a wide range of standard prints available
Barrier Option
  • Available as F plus or FVP (internal or external barrier)

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