Elastic Netting

Elastic Netting is designed to form and shape a wide range of meat and poultry to provide a pleasant appearance and uniform shape. Netting is a useful alternative to butcher’s twine, as it shrinks with the meat during cooking and curing, saving you the need to tighten the twine. Perfect for cured meats.

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Product Variations


Multipurpose Elastic Netting with ultrafine squares shrinks with the meat product during cooking and curing, and can be used on most meat products.

Product Features and Benefits:

  • Easy to peel fine square netting
  • Holds the products tightly
  • Improves binding, reduces the risk of air pockets

Elastic Netting with patented stitch, optimal binding and premium finish for roasting, smoking and water cooking.

Product Features and Benefits:

  • Easy to peel patented web stitch design
  • Optimum pressure provided by 2-way better stretch
  • Better binding and overall shape, eliminating holes, voids and air pockets
  • Greatly reduced strip loss
  • Available in various colors

Elastic Netting with functional open weave designed to replace hand tying. Shrinks with the meat product during cooking and curing resulting in an old-world butcher style appearance.

Product Features and Benefits:

  • Easy to peel
  • Improved slicability
  • Decrease in labor costs due to efficiency
  • Available in a variety of colors

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